Sunday, August 05, 2007

Libertarians, As Defined By A Dirty Fucking Hippie

I used to think libertarians only came in two flavors:
  1. Rich frat boys who didn't want to pay taxes (and, indeed, would argue their station in life had nothing to do with any of the generations that preceded them, even as they bought the next round with the proceeds from their trust fund), and thought hookers and pot should be legal;
  2. Republicans who were too ashamed to be associated with the wacko snake-handlers who speak in tongues.
Well, I found a third flavor:
  1. Folks who are fiercely into the Constitution of the United States... unless a Republican occupies the Oval Office. Then, only the 2nd Amendment is sacrosanct; the rest of it is optional.


Anonymous said...

You forgot Republicans who like to get high on that list.

Pen Ultimate said...

Ivy -- Subset of either #1 or #2. :)

Anonymous said...

People who think public roads, utilities, all medical care (down w/ emergency rooms and county hospitals), fire departments, ambulances etc., should be privatized. Them that has money can pay for access to such services. Them that can't should eat dirt and die.

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